GenLife Leadership
Pastor Keith & Katie Barreto
Glenda Lopez
GenLife Kids
Meghan Vanasek
GenLife Worship
GenLife Lead Team
Charlie and Glenda Lopez
Abbi Tenaglia
John and Molly Stillman
Kindra Holden
Jehan and Sally Wijesinghe
Jeremy and Chelsea Peterson
GenLife Overseers
Keith and Leanne Reynolds
James and Kelly Dodzweit
Eric and Darlene Partin
Chris and Carol Ball
The Church seeks to be led by the Holy Spirit in all its decisions. The Senior Pastor, the Overseers, and the Lead Team all have a role in the body’s leadership.
The Senior Pastor’s office is responsible for developing and communicating the vision and overseeing the day-to-day ministry of the church together with the Lead Team. The senior pastor is the primary preacher / teacher, delivering sermons that guide the congregation spiritually and connect them with biblical principles, articulates and implements a God-given vision for the church, setting the pace for its mission, values, and goals, oversees the spiritual growth and care of the congregation through the Lead Team, staff and volunteers, ensures the church maintains theological integrity, serves as the President of the Church, overseeing staff, ministries, and church finances, oversees the development of leaders and staff, champions the vision for the overall growth of the Church, and provides oversight to all ministries of Generation Life Church. (Ephesians 4:11-12, 1 Timothy 3:7, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Acts 20:28)
The Lead Team
The functions of the Lead Team are to: Maintain and teach by living a godly, Christian lifestyle; Provide a prayer shield for the church; Defend, protect, and support the integrity of the pastoral team and the church; Support the church by giving financially, serving, and consistent attendance. It is understood that tithing 10% of one’s income is not a requirement of the New Testament believer but should be common practice for each Lead Team member. (Matthew 6:21). Pray for the sick, visit those in the hospital, visit those considered to be shut-ins, mediate disputes among the GenLife Fam, provide pastoral spiritual and leadership wisdom, and confirm or reject the President/Senior Pastor’s appointments of Overseers. If necessary, contact the Overseers to initiate investigation and potential discipline of the Senior Pastor (It is understood that the Lead Team will adhere to the instruction of Matthew 18 prior to contacting the Overseers regarding any issue, care, or concern with the Senior Pastor) and represent the church to other local churches. (Titus 1:6-9)
The Overseers
The church shall maintain a Board of Overseers consisting of at least three (3) members and not to exceed (5). All Overseers must be or have been ordained pastors. Three (3) of the five (5) members of the Board of Overseers must be, or have been, active Senior Pastors of congregations who know and love Generation Life Church. The Overseers cover, guide, protect, and serve the church through counsel, prayer, and if required, the discipline of the Senior Pastor. (1 Timothy 3:2-7, Acts 15:22-23)
The Overseers are appointed by the Senior Pastor and confirmed by the Lead Team. Overseers must agree to make themselves available to serve the church if requested by the Lead Team and must be willing to provide spiritual protection to the church through prayer and by exemplifying honorable Christian lives. The Senior Pastor will be accountable to the Overseers in the event of alleged misconduct, and the Overseers may discipline him or remove him from his position as Senior Pastor and President of the church.
The Ministry Team retains the biblical model of deacons and are the hands-on leaders who carry out the vision of Generation Life Church by serving our community, both locally, and globally through their prayers, gifting, and skill. Ministry Team leaders oversee volunteers, scheduling, and logistics for specific areas of ministry (e.g., GenLife Worship, Kids, Students, Missions, Groups, Connects, Finance, Men, Women, Production, Kevins Krew, S.W.A.T.). Ministry Team leaders also assist in providing care to our GenLife Fam and community through hospital visits, meals, prayer, and ensure that practical tasks are covered so pastoral staff can focus on preaching and spiritual leadership. Ministry Team leaders ensure the church operates efficiently while staying focused on its spiritual mission. Their role combines traditional servant-leadership with the practical needs of a large-scale organization. (1 Timothy 3:8-13, Acts 6:1-4)