We were not created to do life alone

GenLife Groups 2024-2025

Ronnie & Luanne Bell - Downtown Hillsborough, Tuesdays at The Exchange Club from 6:30-8:30pm (except for first Tuesdays of the month)

John & Molly Stillman - East Hillsborough, Sundays at Stillmans’ home or Vanaseks’ home (rotating location) from 5-7pm

Jim & Diane Hickox - Bahama, Tuesdays at Jim and Diane’s home starting at 9:30am

Joseph & Alisha Tolnay - South Hillsborough, Thursdays at Joseph and Alisha’s home starting at 7:30pm

Gene & Leslie Van Horne - East Durham, Tuesdays at Gene and Leslie’s home starting at 10am

Women’s Group - Hillsborough, Tuesdays at Katie Barreto’s home starting 6:30pm

Coming in 2025/2026:

Celebrate Recovery - We are looking for leaders! If you have a testimony, if you have hurts, hang-ups and habits that God has rescued you from and you want to use your story to help others navigate their hurts, hang-ups and habits, please contact Abbi Tenaglia at abbi@generationlifechurch.com.

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GenLife group

I want to lead a GenLife group